The jam made of fruit, in which the pulp is cooked with sugar or honey.
Its simplest preparation is made with chopped and crushed fruits, to then add an equal or greater weight of sugar. Before cooking, the fruit stays 12 hours in maceration with the sugar so that they release their juices .
After cooking, in which, in addition to sugar, acids and pectins can be added, the fruit is reduced to a kind of puree , which in some cases may contain small visible pieces of fruit. The cooking ends when the fruit becomes crystalline and the syrup achieved acquires a dense consistency. The cooking time will vary according to the type of fruit, but the average is about 45 minutes.
Must present a bright color, fresh smell and taste . It must have curdled properly. For this it is advisable to take a series of precautions, such as using healthy fruits and at the ideal point of maturity, clean well of pips, bones, etc. The cooking should be done in the most appropriate containers, the best are the iron pots with a thick bottom, on which a very soft heat source should be applied homogeneously. It is essential to constantly stir the mixture with a long-handled wooden spoon, to prevent it from sticking to the bottom, and to keep the pot uncovered during cooking. As important as processing is an adequate packaging process and the preservation of the product in dry, cool and dark places .