Details Events


In this section you can find original details for any type of event that you are going to celebrate, be it a wedding, communion, baptism or any other celebration where you want to give gifts to other people, pleasantly surprising them.

Details Events

In this section you can find original details for any type of event that you are going to celebrate, be it a wedding, communion, baptism or any other celebration where you want to give other people pleasantly surprised.  To obtain the "special events" price you only have to include the amount of 24 units and the special price for this batch of articles will be applied directly, the minimum is 24 as of this amount the special price will be maintained.  Currently, the trend is to give items that give a greater value than the decorative, the gastronomic value is one of the most appreciated because it is to have a detail so that the guest can take pleasure in another moment.  From AragonGourmet we offer gourmet products that fit for women and for men, and that behind each article there is a value of work and quality that is transferred in detail.

packaging event description