Saffron from Jiloca
Saffron from Jiloca is ranked among the best saffrons in the world in terms of its quality, analytically it is the most complete that exists given its high levels of Crocin (flavoring power), Pyrochrocin (coloring power) and Safranal (aromatic power), it also fits highlight its high performance, being able to use one gram for 60 individual servings.
Saffron from Jiloca is ranked among the best saffrons in the world in terms of its quality, analytically it is the most complete that exists given its high levels of Crocin (flavoring power), Pyrochrocin (coloring power) and Safranal (aromatic power), it also fits Highlight its high performance, being able to use one gram for 60 individual servings.
When it comes to buying spices, saffron is one of the most curious arouses due to its versatility in the kitchen.
The reason why the Jiloca saffron gives such high parameters is because of its artisanal elaboration in the three most important steps to obtain it:
- Flower collection
The collection is done first thing in the morning, when the flower is still closed (budding) and the wisps still retain all the freshness and therefore it will be noticed at the time of the roast. If the flower opens, the blades diminish and soil can enter them if the day is rainy.
- Flower debris
Debrising is carried out manually by properly trained people, under the constant supervision of the supervisor, the operators must cut the flower at the base and obtain the three pistils together with the minimum corner In this way the entire strand is obtained and once toasted the saffron maintains a magnificent presence. It is also important that the remains of the flower and reeds are removed with the green saffron to avoid subsequent manipulation when cleaning, since if it is cleaned once the saffron has been roasted, it breaks and its quality decreases.
- Saffron Toast
Roasting is the most important part in the process of obtaining a quality saffron, this step is always carried out by a person with great experience and guaranteed by their results in previous seasons, It is a job in which constant attention must be paid to the evolution of toasting, it is done in a very soft heat source that is placed under the sieve (traditional utensil with silk cloth) and the saffron must be turned when the craftsman It deems it appropriate, the objective is to eliminate all the humidity and that the saffron maintains a color that impacts the eye, the result must be a bright red and a totally dry saffron. If the saffron is moist when it has finished drying, it only darkens and if it dries too much it can burn, losing production.
The Saffron from Jiloca has multiple beneficial properties for health, among which the following should be highlighted:
- Gives a very pleasant mild aroma
- Provides an unmistakable taste (sweet and sour)
- Reddish or orange chromatic properties
- Aphrodisiac (stimulating erogenous zones )
- Carminatives (Promotes the expulsion of gases from the digestive tract)
- Tonic (Stimulates appetite)
- Emenagogo (Relieves menstrual pain)
- Sedative (Relieves discomfort typical of children's teething)
- Calms coughs and bronchitis
- Relieves colic and insomnia
- Combats nervous disorders and asthma
- Fortifies the heart
- Eliminates liver obstructions
- Reduces blood cholesterol levels
- Antioxidant capacity
- Good adjuvant in difficult labor
- Potential source of anticancer agents
- Effect against arteriosclerosis
- Cheers up
- Alternative to not use salt
The Saffron from Jiloca is highly regarded outside our borders, it is currently one of the bastions of Slow Food , this is an association that has more than 100,000 partners spread all over the world and it is originally from Italy, the parameters that it has taken into account to grant us the distinctive is the high quality of the product , the scarcity of our type of saffron and that its production does not have any type of negative impact on the ecosystem.
It also has the Food Crafts seal which guarantees that it is totally artisan and that in each step of Its elaboration is taken care of down to the smallest detail to obtain the highest quality.
As of October 2010, the organic production seal will be implemented, which is a highly valued distinctive in certain markets and is also a guarantee of origin.
Saffron can be found in many points of sale, but if you want to find quality saffron and just right for your pocket, without a doubt our website is the best place, buy saffron is Buy natural food coloring , the best option for your health.
Buying saffron cheap is usually a recurring question, remember that saffron has high production costs, nothing that See with other spices and the saffron that comes out cheap may not even be saffron and it is safflower, although if you use a good quality saffron well you will have to use very little obtaining an extraordinary result, you will not get a high price per person at all It is also the case that they ask us where to buy saffron capsules , on the internet you can find countless formats but in our modest opinion they are not advisable, especially for your pocket, they are totally innocuous for your health , they are usually sold as food supplement emphasizing that they are good for the eyes, for the spirit and the only thing that is achieved is paying a very high price for a product that is useless, if you want to obtain the benefits of saffron it is best to take it naturally either in stews or in infusion, you can also take a little bit every morning and the effects can be really surprising.